The Breadcrumbs are still visible. Please let me know what can be done to remove them. Thank you.
Thank you for the help. The link for the bottom is still not working- it goes to an error page instead of the outside source page and the error page still rams under the logo.
There are still a few things that were not addressed. One being when you go to any page other then the home page the word ‘Home’ is visible behind the logo.
Also I can’t find a way to remove the box from the slider on the home page if needed. I see I can add and remove the text, but if I remove the text the box still appears.
Thank you again.
And I’m unable to add a link to the ‘designed by’ caption on the footer.
Is there a way to get rid of the ‘bold’ on the second wording as well.
Oh and if there is an error or any issues with a page, the page rams up under the logo. Please help.
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