Forum Replies Created
Hi Chris,
Actually, I have one more follow up question. After using the pro/paid theme, I noticed that the ‘ checkout’ button on the cart page and ‘ place order’ button on the checkout page have been pushed to the bottom of the pages. Is there any way to make these buttons on top of the page so that people don’t have to scroll all the way down? URL: actually like the free theme’s layout better where there are multiple columns, and the ‘ check out’ button and ‘ place order’ button are on the top of the right columns. Ideally, I like to have the default wocoommerce page layout
1) Cart page – 2 columns, left column for order info, right column for ‘ checkout’ button
2) Checkout page – 3 columns, left column for billing info, middle column for order info and right column for credit card payment section and ‘ place order button’
VincentAwesome! it works out perfectly! Thanks Chris
Thanks Chris, this approach works pretty well.
I follow the instruction above and place .page_fullwidth_wrap.layer_wrapper { display:none;} into the Custom CSS. However, not only the homepage, all other pages’ content are hidden now. Here is an example
How can I hide the layer wrapper only homepage, without interfering other pagee?
Please help, this is very important and urgent!
I also use woocommerce. But when I go to Appearance >> Theme Options >> Basic Settings, there is no woocommerce pagelayout setting. My page URL is -