Forum Replies Created
Lots people having trouble on resetting password, can you please take a look. both sites
bodyfeed.comsent email with screen shots of few things
please let me know if you received
thanksjust email user and password to
forum@sktthemes.complease also take a look how the latest post is showing on the home page, just posted a embed video and case looks bigger then others on both sites
thank youkeep me updated
Let me know
Chris, you sktthemes been admin on my site for 4 years, with your support email, you have password I dont have it, you control your account
Did we look at this ????
I noticed that posts for the blog that Im scheduling for future date are set for posting at correct date but is also showing as posted on home page at latest post, can you check that.
I moved the posts to Under Review ( pendente ) because they was showing. I just add one post to schedule and its showing on the home page, its under this link dont know why also
Please check and same issue
the user is your support email and password you know it
thank you
please check #150916 from May 1 2020 at 12:48pm
thank you
I moved the posts to Under Review ( pendente ) because they was showing. I just add one post to schedule and its showing on the home page, its under this link dont know why also
have 3 more posts set Under Reveew
thank you, the looks like its working I dont see spam users
I noticed that posts for the blog that Im scheduling for future date are set for posting at correct date but is also showing as posted on home page at latest post, can you check that.
also can you remove the word blog from blog page. now show but I like to show BRASIL.BODYFEED.COM/POSTNAME
Im having a lorde amount of spam user registration on my site. can you recommend any plugin or can you do something please
step by step floors llc . com
i sent admin on email, was you able to check last request ?????
i sent new admin by email. did you get it ?