Forum Replies Created
March 29, 2024 at 9:56 pm in reply to: Musicband theme failure Broken Theme, I cannot access the WordPress administrato #216212
Francisco Rubén Jorquera Villarroel
ParticipantMember since: December 31, 2020- Topics: 44
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Nothimg , nothing, why do you not respond by mail?
February 1, 2024 at 5:38 pm in reply to: Musicband theme failure Broken Theme, I cannot access the WordPress administrato #213043Francisco Rubén Jorquera Villarroel
ParticipantMember since: December 31, 2020- Topics: 44
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Dear SKTTHEMES Support,
I am writing to you regarding an issue I have encountered with the Music Band Pro theme. This problem appears to be present across all accounts where this theme is used.
It seems that there are errors arising from plugins that are incompatible with the current version of WordPress. I have attempted to resolve this by disabling all plugins, but the problem persisted. I then proceeded to delete all plugins, but this did not rectify the issue either. However, when I changed the theme, I was able to access the WordPress administration.
I will be sending you the WHM access data via email so that you can access each of the CPanel accounts experiencing this issue. This will allow you to view the server environment and make necessary changes to the versions of PHP or other components. You will have full access.
However, I kindly request that you ensure everything is left in working order, whether with this theme or its closest replacement.
For your convenience, I have left backup copies of the sites from when they were functioning correctly. You may access these for your tests.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Kind regards.
February 1, 2024 at 12:00 am in reply to: Musicband theme failure Broken Theme, I cannot access the WordPress administrato #213005Francisco Rubén Jorquera Villarroel
ParticipantMember since: December 31, 2020- Topics: 44
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PHP 8.3
January 31, 2024 at 11:40 pm in reply to: Musicband theme failure Broken Theme, I cannot access the WordPress administrato #213004Francisco Rubén Jorquera Villarroel
ParticipantMember since: December 31, 2020- Topics: 44
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- Total: 155
I’ve been trying to upload the Music Band Pro template on another domain and I can’t install it
Case by only testing porpouse
Step 01 New intalation
Step 02 Add Musiv Band Pro
Step 03 Install
Step 04 Review Themes installed 31, 2024 at 11:35 pm in reply to: Musicband theme failure Broken Theme, I cannot access the WordPress administrato #213003Francisco Rubén Jorquera Villarroel
ParticipantMember since: December 31, 2020- Topics: 44
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- Total: 155 30, 2024 at 2:18 am in reply to: Musicband theme failure Broken Theme, I cannot access the WordPress administrato #212167Francisco Rubén Jorquera Villarroel
ParticipantMember since: December 31, 2020- Topics: 44
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January 22, 2024 at 8:00 pm in reply to: The Featured Image Not show up in the Post Page and Mobile Menu Not Centered #211239Francisco Rubén Jorquera Villarroel
ParticipantMember since: December 31, 2020- Topics: 44
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Hello, the same thing happens to me, I need to show the default image of the Post called .wp-post-image in the url that uses the SKT Shudh theme Version: pro5.0 I need that when opening the post The image that I added as a “Featured Image” when creating the post is seen at the bottom of the post using all the available width.
Currently I was able to apply the desired filters in the CSS customizer, but I have not been able to get it to display within the postIn the custom CSS I have this code:
.wp-post-image {
display: yes;
filter: grayscale(40%) brightness(60%) sepia(60%);
}Francisco Rubén Jorquera Villarroel
ParticipantMember since: December 31, 2020- Topics: 44
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Hi, folks
Before you block my case or refuse to work on it because I don’t have premium support, you should review the situation with your boss, they have already extended it until December.
My annual term expires in December and last year I renewed it early in October. You can’t punish me for paying early.
In the sections of the Home page, where the WP-SHOW-Post widgets called “Nuestros proyectos” and “Upcoming Events” are located, we need to set the title color to #1b1464 and the hover to #f6921e, and the font must be Tahoma with 1px letter spacing
Francisco Rubén Jorquera Villarroel
ParticipantMember since: December 31, 2020- Topics: 44
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Al hacer en abrir en nuva pestaña tus imagenes que tienes subidas son las que causan el problema
Francisco Rubén Jorquera Villarroel
ParticipantMember since: December 31, 2020- Topics: 44
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Paloma ya enbcontré la solución a tu problema:
He montado un sitio de prueba en tamaño de tus imagenes debe ser exactamente iguales a las del tema, las tuyas son gigantes.
Transforma tus imagenes a 370 x 235
Con eso resolverás tu problema
Francisco Rubén Jorquera Villarroel
ParticipantMember since: December 31, 2020- Topics: 44
- Replies: 111
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I am sorry will instruct forum moderator to answer your queries.
Support SKT Themes
Get custom website:
On Mon, Oct 17, 2022 at 9:24 PM IST, Francisco R. Jorquera V. <[email protected]> wrote:
You are removing two months of my subscriptionYou have a serious problem. You guys are taking two months off my subscription.
Two years ago I bought an annual subscription in December and renewed it early last year in October.
Are they punishing my early renewal? That’s not right. Check your procedures.Francisco Rubén Jorquera Villarroel
ParticipantMember since: December 31, 2020- Topics: 44
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Lo otro, es que tus imagenes son gigantes, se muestran a 360px X 250px, pero su tamaño es de 2305 x 1536
Deberías trabajar con imagenes originales de 590 x 410 para conservar la proporcionalidad, cargarán más rápido y quizás mejore este problema.
Francisco Rubén Jorquera Villarroel
ParticipantMember since: December 31, 2020- Topics: 44
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Intenta arreglar también las últimas de abajo
Francisco Rubén Jorquera Villarroel
ParticipantMember since: December 31, 2020- Topics: 44
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Hola Paloma, soy Francisco, un usuario al igual que tú, estuve revisando tu situación, de hecho he usado ese mismo tema en mis web para clientes y ese error se debe a la extensión del texto, es diferente a los otros, al ser un poco más largo hace que el objeto deba ser más largo que los demás.
Puedes acortar el texto, para que todos tengan 3 o cuatro líneas, fíjate que en la primera línea el último de la derecha tiene 4 líneas y los anteriores solo tres. Arregla eso.
Te sugiero que arregles esas fotos, porque se ven muy apiñadas.
Saludos.Ah y tu sitio web no es un correo electrónico sino además tampoco tiene certificado de seguridad SSL
Francisco Rubén Jorquera Villarroel
ParticipantMember since: December 31, 2020- Topics: 44
- Replies: 111
- Total: 155
Hey, the package is called mountain-biking , find it I downloaded it and yes it was