Forum Replies Created
Thank you Chris. I’ll stay with Ocius but in the future if I return to SKT I’ll seek help re. this then.
Have a good week!
julieI have since changed to Ocious theme and my social links are the top left header corner. No longer SKT. Not sure if you can help.
Hello Chris,
My site
Thank youHi Brad, thank you for your reply. I’ve changed themes/providers and am doing well with it.
But if I decide to return to SKT Themes another time, I’ll write again for help on this issue.
jdHelp is slow coming and that’s fine – it’s the holidays. I’ll be moving my site soon enough.
OK so after purchasing the theme $39? And finding it kludgy and Elementor started to show code in places it shouldn’t. Removed, updated, deleted, updated, still messed up. I finally worked out the Main Page widgets and block editing but could to get to edit the layout of the Main Page. And replacing some (3) pictures inside little decorative ovals on the Main Page was bizarre, they turned out tiny or huge even if I followed the rules on pixels, sizing, etc.
Decided to switch to a Free theme and now my life is much better. What took me 2.5 days to screw up the paid-for theme, I have done this new free theme in about 6 hours. I can sleep tonight.
Ticket closed. 🙂
I have reinstate/installed the Theme Demo Importer with lots of pages to help out. But … my main problem is the following:
How Do I Get *Theme Options*? Please, thank you.
I don’t have this option below, unfortunately.
1. Kindly visit Appearance -> Theme Options -> Sections to Manage the homepage sections.
2. Section 1 About Me = section manage from Appearance->Themes Options-> Section Tab -> section 1I don’t have the Theme Options as a choice. I do have:
About Theme
Theme Editor -