Forum Replies Created
Excellent service once again!
We actually took the whole slider of and replaced it with WPs own smaller slider…
That did not do any change?
Now the navi&frontpage are fine…. any idea for the replacement of the phone and email?
This code will leave the front page banner below the navigation….
The navigation works now on all the other pages, but the front page gets messed up.
And this new code is working in normal view… but mobile menu gets broken…..
Header Layout 1.. can we shift the email and phone data blow the navigation menu.. but still in the same white background area….. so that the email and phone would be right after the menu… and on the right as it is now?
Sorry, afterwards…. we noticed that the nav bar does not work on every page???????
h t t p s: // w . w. w. e n e r gi a
It has different behavior in the inner pages??????Thanks Chris – now this also works!
No, it still does not work. If we write an article and want to set the category to any category… it will revert it back to the default category… we still need to take off the plugin to activate the categories….
Also the footer is not 100% black, but has a grey area on the right…. and to try to edit with your tool… no edit is done….
The problem we are facing is that, if we have SKT plugin in use, we cannot use categories in posts…… they wont work…. we need to take off the SKT pugin when writing posts with categories and then reset the SKT….
Thanks Chris