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I cleared browser cache and cookies and tested it on 4 different computers. The social media icons are not displayed.Regards,
no, the social media icons are not displayed using Firefox 65.0.1 (64-Bit).
Have a look at:
I noticed that the problem only occurs with Mozilla Firefox browser, in Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome the social media area in the footer looks like it should. But using Firefox the social media icons are not displayed. website url is
Thanks, TomIt does not delete its data, but it deletes all changes that have been made to the functions.php, header.php etc. So I guess I will have to work with a child theme, if I want to avoid this in the future?
ThomasHi Shri,
you did not write that I should delete the old theme first. But anyway, if I delete the old theme I would lose all the settings and individual configuration of my customer´s website. I would have to set up the website again from the beginning. How can I avoid this? Please advise.
but as I wrote, if I try to upload the new theme there comes an error message “The target folder /wp-content/themes/banking-sector/ already exists” and the upload fails. It is simply not possible to upload the new theme.
When you say upload the new theme – do you mean an upload via FTP or from the WordPress backend? Please advise.Regards,
ThomasHi Shri,
why don´t you answer my question? I am a paying customer, why don´t you provide any support?Regards,
ThomasHi Shri,
could you please add all new themes to my account?
Thanks in advance.It would be great, if you could develop a fire fighters template in the near future.
ThomasHi Shri,
could you please add all new themes and also the updated themes for WordPress 5.0 to my account?
Thanks in advance.Regards,
did you even read my question? I said, I already tried to use your contact form, but it does not work! It asks for a theme name and no matter what I enter there, I receive an error message. I PAID for all themes. So why do I have to ask for the download. What kind of customer service is this???
If you are not able to provide a simple download link for your paying customers, why can´t you simply send me a PM or e-mail with the download link?That´s it. Many thanks, Chris.
Seems like the image links did not work, so one more try:
1. This is how the header image is displayed on the website:
And this is the header image I used:
As you can see, the lower part of the banner is cut off.
1. This is the header image I used:
And this is how it is displayed on the website:
2. Issue 2 is solved, thanks.
TomHi Brad,
the website is in maintenance mode, so you would only see the coming soon page. I can´t see why you should need the URL to answer my questions. The question is where or in which php file are the definitions of the theme shortcodes stored? And is it possible to create an additional new shortcode by copying the settings of e. g. the [menu-price] shortcode amd then modify them?
TomHi Chris,
1. This is exactly what I did. I also tried to remove the default-banner image und uploaded it again. The problem remains the same. What can I do to solve it?
2. After I translated the labels to German, the default contact form does not work anymore. It does not send an email and it does not display the error messages, if you e. g. don´t use a valid email address. I also need an “address” field instead of the “website” field. Here is my modified code:function contactform_func( $atts ) { $atts = shortcode_atts( array( 'to_email' => get_bloginfo('admin_email'), 'title' => 'Contact enquiry - '.home_url( '/' ), ), $atts ); $cform = "<div class=\"main-form-area\" id=\"contactform_main\">"; $cerr = array(); if( isset($_POST['c_submit']) && $_POST['c_submit']=='Submit' ){ $name = trim( $_POST['c_name'] ); $email = trim( $_POST['c_email'] ); $phone = trim( $_POST['c_phone'] ); $website = trim( $_POST['c_website'] ); $comments = trim( $_POST['c_comments'] ); $captcha = trim( $_POST['c_captcha'] ); $captcha_cnf = trim( $_POST['c_captcha_confirm'] ); if( !$name ) $cerr['name'] = 'Bitte geben Sie Ihren Namen an.'; if( ! filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) ) $cerr['email'] = 'Bitte geben Sie eine gültige E-Mail Adresse ein.'; if( !$phone ) $cerr['phone'] = 'Bitte geben Sie Ihre Telefonnummer an.'; if( !$comments ) $cerr['comments'] = 'Bitte tragen Sie Ihre Mitteilung ein.'; if( !$captcha || (md5($captcha) != $captcha_cnf) ) $cerr['captcha'] = 'Bitte geben Sie die richtige Lösung ein.'; if( count($cerr) == 0 ){ $subject = $atts['title']; $headers = "From: ".$name." <" . strip_tags($email) . ">\r\n"; $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; $message = '<html><body> <table> <tr><td>Name: </td><td>'.$name.'</td></tr> <tr><td>E-Mail: </td><td>'.$email.'</td></tr> <tr><td>Telefon: </td><td>'.$phone.'</td></tr> <tr><td>Adresse: </td><td>'.$website.'</td></tr> <tr><td>Ihre Nachricht: </td><td>'.$comments.'</td></tr> </table> </body> </html>'; mail( $atts['to_email'], $subject, $message, $headers); $cform .= '<div class="success_msg">Vielen Dank! Wir werden uns umgehend bei Ihnen melden</div>'; unset( $name, $email, $phone, $website, $comments, $captcha ); }else{ $cform .= '<div class="error_msg">'; $cform .= implode('<br />',$cerr); $cform .= '</div>'; } } $capNum1 = rand(1,4); $capNum2 = rand(1,5); $capSum = $capNum1 + $capNum2; $sumStr = $capNum1." + ".$capNum2 ." = "; $cform .= "<form name=\"contactform\" action=\"#contactform_main\" method=\"post\"> <p><input type=\"text\" name=\"c_name\" value=\"". ( ( empty($name) == false ) ? $name : "" ) ."\" placeholder=\"Vor- und Nachname\" /></p> <p><input type=\"email\" name=\"c_email\" value=\"". ( ( empty($email) == false ) ? $email : "" ) ."\" placeholder=\"E-Mail\" /></p><div class=\"clear\"></div> <p><input type=\"tel\" name=\"c_phone\" value=\"". ( ( empty($phone) == false ) ? $phone : "" ) ."\" placeholder=\"Telefon-Nr.\" /></p> <p><input type=\"url\" name=\"c_website\" value=\"". ( ( empty($website) == false ) ? $website : "" ) ."\" placeholder=\"Ihre Adresse\" /></p><div class=\"clear\"></div> <p><textarea name=\"c_comments\" placeholder=\"Geben Sie Ihren Text hier ein.\">". ( ( empty($comments) == false ) ? $comments : "" ) ."</textarea></p><div class=\"clear\"></div>"; $cform .= "<p><span class=\"capcode\">$sumStr</span><input type=\"text\" placeholder=\"Captcha-Code\" value=\"". ( ( empty($captcha) == false ) ? $captcha : "" ) ."\" name=\"c_captcha\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"c_captcha_confirm\" value=\"". md5($capSum)."\"></p><div class=\"clear\"></div>"; $cform .= "<p class=\"sub\"><input type=\"submit\" name=\"c_submit\" value=\"Absenden\" class=\"search-submit\" /></p> </form> </div>"; return $cform; } add_shortcode( 'contactform', 'contactform_func' );
Any corrections to the code are welcome.
3. solved
4. solvedMany thanks,
Tom -