Forum Replies Created
Issue resolved. ModSecurity was causing the issue.
I have not had a resolution or reply regarding this issue.
Hi Shri,
I have forwarded a message with details through your contact page.
Hi Dave,
I’ve sorted the issue by changing fonts styles in the testimonials themselves.
That is I have lost custom rotator font styling that I had placed in custom css, which was working previous to the change made.
Hi Dave,
I tried what you sent me but all testimonials appeared at the top of the page and not in the testimonial rotator. I changed to ‘.get_the_content().’ instead and now they appear fully in the rotator. My only issue now is that I have lost font styling in the process.
Sorry, that should be ” ‘.content( of_get_option(‘testimonialsexcerptlenth’) ).’ ” to ” ‘.content( of_get_option(‘testimonialscontentlenth’) ).’ “
Hi Dave,
Have changed the following line ” ‘.content( of_get_option(‘testimonialslenth’) ).’ ” in custom-functions.php, but now only three full-stops are showing for all eight testimonials.
Hi Dave,
Yes, that’s correct.
Hi Dave,
Thanks! All good now, but just ONE more question please. A few of my client’s testimonials are rather long and not showing up fully on his “About Me” page. He wants it so that they display fully, so I imagine increasing the li style height (which is currently set at 145px) may be the best option in this case? Can you please confirm what would be the appropriate custom css to adjust height for this scenario, and if this is the best practice for your theme.
P.S – My apologies, I should have started another thread regarding this topic, but I prefer dealing with the same person. 😉
Hi Dave,
I’m referring to the testimonial slider.
Hi Dave,
Just one more thing. Client has asked to make slide speed slower. Just wanted to confirm, I have set autoplay:true and adjusted what I believe is smartspeed to 10000 (10 seconds) in owl carousel.js. Doesn’t seem to be adjusting the speed…
Hi Dave,
Background information you gave me was opaque, not transparent. Any reason why you gave me these details? Hopefully not an issue with js and the slider if it’s transparent? I had originally set a custom code for the .tm_description as …”background-color: transparent;” but wasn’t working. You’re last message made me realise my mistake though… Thanks. I have fixed by the above code, but calling on “transparent” instead to get desired result. Please let me know if this is ok.
Hi Dave,
Thanks for that!
Just one more quick thing. I have enabled testimonials to show at the bottom of my client’s “About Me” page and I’ve made changes in both style.css and tm-rotator.css to try and make the background of the rotator and testimonial class transparent. This however isn’t working. On in inspecting the element through Firefox I notice there is an inline command linking to another style sheet with the background still showing as #f8f8f8. I’ve looked for other style sheets in the directories but cannot find any of them stating that background colour. I’m a bit tired and over this busy week so please excuse me if I’m missing something rather simple.