Forum Replies Created
Thank you for your reply. As mentioned my, email is set up as the admin email to receive notifications through the site (which I already added under Admin>settings>General>”Email Address” when the site was set up).
Upon sending a test email through the form multiple times, I received nothing (also not in my spam folder). We would also like to have this contact form go to more than one email.
Is there a way to figure out why nothing is happening?
I’d like to know how to edit both the form fields and the email addresses this form is going to if possible, but my main question was how do I know who this email is going to/how do I change it or add more recipients.
Hello thank you. I found the reference to the contact form in that file, but I am unsure where to place the actual recipient emails?
I attempted to replace ‘admin_email’ on the third line here with my email address and then tested the form, but I received nothing. I am also unsure why it wouldn’t send to the admin email (mine) in the first place.
function contactform_func( $atts ) {
$atts = shortcode_atts( array(
‘to_email’ => get_bloginfo(‘admin_email’),
‘title’ => ‘Contact enquiry – ‘.home_url( ‘/’ ),
), $atts );$cform = “<div class=\”main-form-area\” id=\”contactform_main\”>”;
$cerr = array();
if( isset($_POST[‘c_submit’]) && $_POST[‘c_submit’]==’Submit’ ){
$name = trim( $_POST[‘c_name’] );
$email = trim( $_POST[‘c_email’] );
$phone = trim( $_POST[‘c_phone’] );
$website = trim( $_POST[‘c_website’] );
$comments = trim( $_POST[‘c_comments’] );
$captcha = trim( $_POST[‘c_captcha’] );
$captcha_cnf = trim( $_POST[‘c_captcha_confirm’] );if( !$name )
$cerr[‘name’] = ‘Please enter your name.’;
if( ! filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) )
$cerr[’email’] = ‘Please enter a valid email.’;
if( !$phone )
$cerr[‘phone’] = ‘Please enter your phone number.’;
if( !$comments )
$cerr[‘comments’] = ‘Please enter your message.’;
if( !$captcha || (md5($captcha) != $captcha_cnf) )
$cerr[‘captcha’] = ‘Please enter the correct answer.’;if( count($cerr) == 0 ){
$subject = $atts[‘title’];
$headers = “From: “.$name.” <” . strip_tags($email) . “>\r\n”;
$headers .= “MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n”;
$headers .= “Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n”;$message = ‘<html><body>
<tr><td>Name: </td><td>’.$name.'</td></tr>
<tr><td>Email: </td><td>’.$email.'</td></tr>
<tr><td>Phone: </td><td>’.$phone.'</td></tr>
<tr><td>Website: </td><td>’.$website.'</td></tr>
<tr><td>Message: </td><td>’.$comments.'</td></tr>
mail( $atts[‘to_email’], $subject, $message, $headers);
$cform .= ‘<div class=”success_msg”>Thank you! A representative will get back to you very shortly.</div>’;
unset( $name, $email, $phone, $website, $comments, $captcha );
$cform .= ‘<div class=”error_msg”>’;
$cform .= implode(‘<br />’,$cerr);
$cform .= ‘</div>’;
}$capNum1 = rand(1,4);
$capNum2 = rand(1,5);
$capSum = $capNum1 + $capNum2;
$sumStr = $capNum1.” + “.$capNum2 .” = “;$cform .= “<form name=\”contactform\” action=\”#contactform_main\” method=\”post\”>
<p><input type=\”text\” name=\”c_name\” value=\””. ( ( empty($name) == false ) ? $name : “” ) .”\” placeholder=\”Name\” /></p>
<p><input type=\”email\” name=\”c_email\” value=\””. ( ( empty($email) == false ) ? $email : “” ) .”\” placeholder=\”Email\” /></p><div class=\”clear\”></div>
<p><input type=\”tel\” name=\”c_phone\” value=\””. ( ( empty($phone) == false ) ? $phone : “” ) .”\” placeholder=\”Phone\” /></p>
<p><input type=\”url\” name=\”c_website\” value=\””. ( ( empty($website) == false ) ? $website : “” ) .”\” placeholder=\”Website with prefix http://\” /></p><div class=\”clear\”></div>
<p><textarea name=\”c_comments\” placeholder=\”Message\”>”. ( ( empty($comments) == false ) ? $comments : “” ) .”</textarea></p><div class=\”clear\”></div>”;
$cform .= “<p><span class=\”capcode\”>$sumStr</span><input type=\”text\” placeholder=\”Captcha\” value=\””. ( ( empty($captcha) == false ) ? $captcha : “” ) .”\” name=\”c_captcha\” /><input type=\”hidden\” name=\”c_captcha_confirm\” value=\””. md5($capSum).”\”></p><div class=\”clear\”></div>”;
$cform .= “<p class=\”sub\”><input type=\”submit\” name=\”c_submit\” value=\”Submit\” class=\”search-submit\” /></p>
</div>”;return $cform;
add_shortcode( ‘contactform’, ‘contactform_func’ );
Here is the link to view:
Hi does this link work?
It should show the low logo quality, and large chunk of white space below the header when there is no image selected for Inner Page Banner.Let me know if this is something that can be fixed?
Thank you!
Hi thank you:
(Currently there is an image in place under the Inner Page Banner, so that one may not appear as an issue at the moment, but we are reviewing if we like this addition).