That did the trick. I am very impressed with theme and think it will be a good fit with my product. Thanks for the prompt help.
Thank you
Dave, Thanks for responding in such a timely manner to both of my questions, it is better to get some answers first than making a giant mess with limited knowledge. kind of like “Measure twice, cut once.”
That goes back to my previous question about global changes, I probably should have combined them. What I am assuming is that I could do a search for #19b8e6 (SKT Medical Pro) in a txt doc and replace it with the desired color. Is that assumption right or am I missing something that will make my life a living nightmare while I try to fix the damage?
If that is right I know that #19b8e6 comes up in index-default.php + style_E.css do I need to change it in both of them.
I have always been told that any edits should be done in a plain text app not Word, but if I do the editing in Word then paste it into a txt doc in a plain text app are the Word artifacts discarded making it safe to use in the Editor?
Thanks again,
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