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I appreciate your assistance very much and this will be the last time I ask
about the images. This helped with the blog images. However, for my
specific theme (girlie pro) I am not seeing this option in the sections area.I am accessing it this way within wordpress: appearance / theme options /
Once in the sections tab area, I scroll down to “Section 1”
scrolling down it shows section title (featured items), section id, section
background color, background image, section css class, hide section check
box, and section content.
Section content has a lot of coding. I would assume this is where I insert
image url or something?? I am unsure how or where to find that. I do know
that there is not a set featured image box or homepage image box in this
section. I want to insert images of my product that are featured item for
my store so that they appear on the first page.Any direction will be very much appreciated. I am at a loss here.
Thank you so much – once again!I do not know where to locate thumbnail images on homepage boxes. Again in the section it does not show any boxes or image options. I would think in section content I would include the image url but that is not working either. I do not understand where you are directing me to go.
DanielleThat fixed the blog image issue. Thank you!
Can you please help me with the featured items images?
Appearance / Theme Options / Sections / Section 1 Featured Items. In this section I cannot get the images to insert with the text description. If you look at the website ( you can see the item boxes but no image.Thanks again!