Forum Replies Created
thank you
Thank you.
I did just have the question though about the horizontal separator. Can i change the color of that?
Thank you, however most have not been resolved.
1) The contact us sidebar still is the same. i would like the “client vault” menu in the contact us sidebar to be formatted like that of the main sidebar. it is not at the moment.
2) The newsletter sign up on all sidebars has not been fixed. It still is square and beveled when the search bar button is rounded and flat.
3) I also would like to be able to change the color of the horizontal separator. How do I do that?
I will be looking for the homepage boxes and our team section to be fixed as well.
Thank you. I appreciate all of your help.
I sent in my questions and url information last week in and nothing has been done
6) On the Contact Us sidebar, the format of the menu items is not like the main sidebar and does not look right. Can you change that to match the main sidebar menus? You can see the difference when looking at “Client Log In” on the sidebar on both the Contact Us page and Strategies page.
7) And on the theme settings>basic settings, i accidentally deleted the footer list icon that was originally there. Can you send me the file link for that?
Thank you very much for all your help.
Thank you, I still need
1) the team members are still out of order, I have them listed in the order I would want under “our team” from top to bottom but that is not how they are listed on the front page. I also have the plugin. Also, I would like them in two lines, not all on one if possible.
2) did not work, the rest of the homepage box that lights up still does not take me to where the button link goes
3) The buttons on the newsletter sign up forms are not matching the theme. Is there any way to make them match the “search” widget format. You can see what I mean if you look at my main sidebar on the strategies page. The theme button is flat and rounded edges, the newsletter button even after the additional coding are square and beveled. Also the text in the box is light gray in the theme, the text in the newsletter box is black
4) My images are stretching depending on the size of the screen. Is there any way to make them proportionally increase or decrease?
5) Is there a way to change the color of the horizontal separator?
Here is my website:
Some more…
6) The buttons on the newsletter sign up forms are not matching the theme. Is there any way to make them match the “search” widget format. You can see what I mean if you look at my main sidebar on the strategies page.
7) My images are stretching depending on the size of the screen. Is there any way to make them proportionally increase or decrease?
8) Is there a way to change the color of the horizontal separator?
Doing some final touches, thank you for your patience.
Thank you!
1) worked!
2) the team members are still out of order, I have them listed in the order I would want under “our team” from top to bottom but that is not how they are listed on the front page. I also have the plugin. Also, I would like them in two lines, not all on one if possible.
3) I found one, thank you.
5) did not work, the rest of the box that lights up still does not take me to where the button link goes
Here is the website as requested:
And is there a way to show the description next to the team member icons?
I tried this, and reordered the team members under pages with drag and drop, but it is still not showing up in the order I chose. Please help