Forum Replies Created
Hi Tamara,
Thanks for posting the update.
ShriAlright thanks for this. Saw the bug. Today will update the theme and will update you with instructions when done.
ShriOkay. Can you show us screenshot or URL of the area of caption.
We can understand better and solve it in next update of the theme.
ShriHi Wayne,
Yes have images with size 1800px (wide) and 900 px height. We are using 1920 by 900 sized images in our demo. Looks fine.
Actually the browser size is much more than your image size and hence it is stretching it to fit the size.
If you need any help with us let us know.
ShriYou can upload the screenshots of iPhone in your website and share the link or else in sites like imgur or dropbox or flickr.
ShriAnswered via email.
Kindly visit Appearance>Menus>Select the primary menu and choose to have whatever pages you want in this.
Scroll down and remove the option: Automatically add new pages.
And also check the box: Make this as Primary menu.
ShriKindly show us screenshot of how it appears and your website also.
Will try to resolve.
ShriKindly show us your website how it appears.
Kindly check header.php (Appearance>Editor>header.php) line number 88.
Exact code is: <a href=”<?php echo get_site_url(); ?>/#services” class=”arrow-down”></a>
Hi David,
You bought the theme on 18th April. So you should have the updated theme. You have to check Appearance>Theme Options>Slider settings.
Within there in description area and underneath it you have the read more as well as the buttons i believe.
If not still let us know.
ShriHi Bryan,
While i would agree with CSS sprites etc and other recommendations. I cannot agree with the fact of 24 seconds. Here we are sharing with you 2 reports one from gtmetrix and other from pingdom tools: took around in both as you can see much lesser time than what you stated. Now what leads to more time (tools reach from top to the bottom trying to load the whole page)
But here what we have done is loading of the items only when you scroll over them. So whereas tools show more time to load, actual time to load the site is much lesser.
Yes we do agree there are 3-4 points still which need our attention. We will fix them up and then it should be a much faster theme to load.
Also the site of the default theme is current 4 mb. So we will reduce the size of the images to the least we can and also the social icons using css sprites and make the theme size 1.5 mb. So that it would become an A grade in both GT metrix, YSlow and also on Pingdom tools.
Give us 1 week’s time for this and we will surely come back to you with upgraded theme which will be much faster than it is now.
ShriOkay in one of the sections as you are pointing out we have this: <a class=”contact-button” href=”#” rel=”nofollow”>Contact </a>
Change it to: <a class=”contact-button” href=”mailto:youremailid” rel=”nofollow”>Email Me!</a>
Hope this helps.
Hi David,
Okay step by step instructions for photo gallery:
1. First Go to WordPress admin panel and then Click on Photo Gallery
And then Click on Add New.
2. Once clicked on Add New Add the title and then just set up a featured image just like shown here:
Once done select any category or add any category from the category area in this very page. And click on Update.
3. To add another image again click add new and follow the first 2 steps as given above.
So for every new image title and 1 featured image is to be added and it is to be selected into any category you wish.
Now once this is set up.
Use shortcodes of the gallery anywhere in any page:
Portfolio with Thumbnail: [portfolio-thumbnail cat=”Category Name”]
Portfolio with Slider: [portfolio-slider cat=”Category Name”]
Portfolio with Lightbox: [portfolio cat=”Category Name”]Regards,
ShriWe recently upgraded Parallax me Pro. Instructions for upgrade:
Given you re-access to the theme till 30th April. Kindly download the theme from here: (use forgot password in case you forgot)Theme Instructions after download:
Kindly visit Appearance>Themes>Activate some other theme for the time being.
Then click on old Pro theme and delete it. Don’t worry deleting the theme doesn’t delete its settings at all.
Then visit Appearance>Themes>Add New and upload the zip you just downloaded of the new theme.
And Activate.
That’s it. Hope you enjoy the updated latest theme.
Slider should be good in this new version.
Shri -