Are there other options to make the new products section better? The site is
so that of whatsapp will be [social_area][social icon=”houzz” link=”#”][social icon=”whatsapp” link=”+10837373636”][social icon=”facebook” link=”#”][social icon=”twitter” link=”#”][social icon=”google-plus” link=”#”][social icon=”linkedin” link=”#”][social icon=”instagram” link=”#”][/social_area]
[social icon=”whatsapp” link=”+10837373636”] it doesnt seem to work. please how do i add that of whatsapp?
The Horse Ranch WordPress Themes by SKT Themes are designed to highlight the beauty and professionalism of equestrian businesses. With stunning layouts for service descriptions, […]
Tarot WordPress Themes by SKT Themes offer visually stunning and intuitive designs tailored for spiritual services. With features like appointment booking systems, service sections, testimonial […]
Adventure Sports WordPress Themes by SKT Themes are designed to meet these needs with dynamic layouts, high-quality image galleries, and dedicated sections for services, tours, […]