Forum Replies Created
Thank you. Sometime solutions is simple 😉
I will try to not forget this 🙂Thank you. Just done so.
Thank you, I can go on with this 🙂
I have now 4 colums in footer. How can I change that to 3 or 2 colums?
I found it myself 😉
In custom css:
#nav ul li { text-transform: none; }
Thank you Brad, again for nice and fast service. What was the problem?
Payment done 😉
Hi Brad: done
Hi Shri: I will do soon, because I probably need some help if I do on with this theme. But this looks like a bug. So do I need to pay to solve the bug?best regards, Wilfried
Thank you.
Thank you, it is solved.
Can you please tell me what exactly you changed? It is interesting for me to know.
Thank you, Wilfried
Done, thank you. Regards Wilfried
Thank you
site: / wp /
theme: gardeningHi,
I want to make background of title transparent (set the opacity). How to do?
This is example of area that I want to set opacity:, Wilfried
I messed up the option 1 in my reply. In fact it is just change the line with ‘alt’ in it and after the return you have to add ‘alt’ and ‘title’ as in the second option.
I found it myself. In case someone else need this. There are 2 options, first is fast, second is preferable:
1. you an edit the code in wp-content/themes/skt-gardening/sktframe/core-functions.php like this:
function clientbox($atts){
extract( shortcode_atts(array(
‘url’ => ‘url’,
‘image’ => ‘image’,
‘alt’ => ‘alt’
), $atts));return ‘
<div class=”clientbox”>
2. You can make a plugin for it (looks safer) where you can add other things as well. Create a folder eg: ‘my-thing’, put there a file in and name it ‘my-thing.php’, then put the following in that file:
<?php /* Plugin Name: My Thing Description: some description Author: your name Version: 1.0 Author URI: http://your site */ // Shortcode MyClient /*[myclient url="#" image="image" alt="alt"]*/ function myclientbox($atts){ extract( shortcode_atts(array( 'url' => 'url', 'image' => 'image', 'alt' => 'alt' ), $atts)); return ' <div class="clientbox"> <a href="'.$url.'" target="_blank"><img src="'.$image.'" alt="'.$alt.'" title="'.$alt.'" /></a> </div> '; } add_shortcode('myclient','myclientbox');
Then use the shortcode [myclient] instead of [client].
Of course if someone knows other / better options the please share 😉