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Ok, I changed the white color into the bg color. Big gap on mobile screens but it is what it is.
Next question: Is this theme supporting php 8.0?
Nope, nothing changes at all. How do I select a bg image? Only see theme stock pics. Cant select my own pics from library.
Nope, nothing helps at all 🙁
>> Home – space at bottom between banner and footer.
>> This images with the white at the bottom aren’t fixed. On mobile white block is still there.
See:>> The most important question you didn’t answer: is this theme supporting PHP 8? On 7.4 its working on PHP 8 its not loading anymore. My hosting wont support PHP 7.x anymore soon.
Thanks, delete side-bar did most of the job. But not all.
Home – space at bottom between banner and footer.
This images with the white at the bottom aren’t fixed. On mobile white block is still there, also at some pages.
The most important question you didn’t answer: is this theme supporting PHP 8? Not using that much plugins and think its the theme giving errors.
– White big space where I had a big image before on several pages. Looks like most of the the image are smaller and rest of space is white with some images. > for ex.
– Every page shows a sidebar on the right with a menu > all pages.
– PDF clickable sample images are all stretched. I think this is because of the sidebar > no option to deactivate only for single post pages. > we are moving on… my webshosting forces me to use php 8.0 and this will break the website. Any solution?
I did it with this css code and most of the pages look fine now:
/* top banner – text mobile */
@media screen and (max-width: 767px) {
.sktbuilder-text {
margin-top: -140px!important;
}Only this page has the problem and now I cant use the same code:
-/matterport/ text not going up on mobile
Can you check this one?Nope, and again it is not working.
-/bedrijfsfotografie/ text not going up on mobile
-/drone-fotografie/ text not going up on mobile
-/matterport/ text not going up on mobile
-/inmeten-van-uw-woning/ text not going up on mobile
-/eenvoudig-online-inboeken/ text not going up on mobileI dont know what you checked but there is a top banner and it disappear on mobile:
Nope, looks like i am asking something difficult here
here the problem again:
i am using a bottom image on several pages for ex. /vastgoedfotografie/
On a desktop its a bottom page laying on the footer. I like to have this staying at the bottom instead of going up on smaller devices.hope you understand and you can take a look at /bedrijfsfotografie/ here the image goes up on mobile same like other pages where there is a small space at bottom between image and footer top banner gone on mobile to much space mobile on different pages
sorry, was already solved before.
nope, most of pages still have the padding. One page even the top banner is gone.
Most pages still have a small white space or not showing the whole picture.
/vastgoedfotografie/ small space bottom mobile
/bog-fotografie/ small space bottom mobile
/bedrijfsfotografie/ half of the pic showing
/contact/ small space bottom mobile-/bedrijfsfotografie/ text not going up on mobile
-/drone-fotografie/ text not going up on mobile
-/matterport/ text not going up on mobile
-/inmeten-van-uw-woning/ text not going up on mobile
-/eenvoudig-online-inboeken/ text not going up on mobile -