SKT Coming Soon - Coming Soon WordPress theme

coming soon WordPress theme
Change Log
  • Updated March 2025
  • Working With Latest WordPress Version
  • Updated Google fonts for GDPR and Other Country Privacy
  • Updated to work with PHP 8+
  • Updated to work with at least one page builder (Elementor, Gutenberg or SKT Builder)
  • Compatible with popular plugins of SEO, contact form and WooCommerce
  • Updated performance to work with popular cache plugins and Cloudflare
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Coming Soon WordPress theme

A coming soon WordPress theme can offer a lot of benefits to the website owners:

1. Building Anticipation: When the website is for a brand and the brand is a well recognized one, it can definitely showcase the world and its regular store visitors that a website is coming soon and will be launched shortly.

This keeps the users in anticipation and waiting for the unveil of the website.

Many smartphone or mobile companies are showing teasers before launching the actual product.

A coming soon WordPress theme based website is actually a teaser before the actual website is being launched.

Similarly movies or films also do this kind of marketing and build an anticipation before the actual theatrical release of the movie.

2. Lead generation: A coming soon WordPress theme based website can surely generate leads in the form of leave your email address or mobile number and we will connect with you once the website is launched.

This way you already have a set of leads before the actual website gets launched.

People showing interest will definitely leave their email or phone number because they want to purchase the product online or want to see the movie or book.

3. SEO benefits: A website can well take 1 year in creation if the site is a big website. Hence this coming soon WordPress theme can offer you SEO benefits because your domain won’t be a fresh one but will be live in the web world for quite some time.

4. Social media Integration: A coming soon WordPress theme based website can offer an opportunity to integrate with social media platforms. This way your social media followers can also increase while your website is being renovated or built from scratch.

5. Website renovation and maintenance: While renovating a website or for maintenance purpose as well coming soon WordPress theme can come handy because you don’t want to show a broken website to your customers. It doesn’t look professional and hence it is better to showcase a coming soon page rather than a broken or incomplete website.

6. Maintaining Professionalism: It is not wise and does not look good for your brand to showcase a broken or incomplete website. Incomplete or broken site can cause distress for users and they may leave your brand and never come back. Hence it is better to show up the maintenance mode or coming soon page.

Once all the changes are done you can test it and get feedback from the team and then remove the coming soon WordPress theme with actual website.

Creating and launching your website seems easy but actually, it is not one day process. Depending on which platform you choose, the process of website creation might take a longer time to get ready.

The total time required for establishing the website will also differ by considering the features and functionality you would like to set up.

This is the most uncertain situation where you need to take care of your users who decide to shop from your website even when it is under construction.

Do you literally want that your users could see an unstructured website or a half-done site that looks disgusting on handheld devices too?

Commonly your answer will be ‘No’ and that’s obvious. No one would like to distract their users and give a valid reason to shop from your competitor’s site.

This is the scenario where you need to start thinking and implementing the coming soon page. ‘Coming soon page’ is a specific sort of web page layout that will alert your users that your website is under construction and will go live within a few hours, days, or months.

Having a beautifully crafted coming soon page means it will benefit you with lots of stuff.

With the world of technology, designing a coming soon page is not actually a big task. If you are a WordPress user and use this most popular CMS for crafting your website then you are the lucky one.

Today, we will talk about the SKT Coming Soon which is the coming soon WordPress theme. You simply need to install this theme and activate it.

In the twinkling of an eye, you can build great looking coming soon page using SKT Coming Soon. Moreover, you will start getting all the benefits while working on the setup process of your website in the wings.

SKT Coming Soon can be also known as holding page WordPress theme that contains eight different pre-built demos that ensure you are able to launch your coming soon page very quickly. This theme will provide some outstanding options so that you can easily modify the appearance of your under-construction site.

Also, it will make sure it matches your project’s vision and your branding needs. Nothing to worry about your skillsets because this theme allows you to establish an under-construction page without writing a single line of code.

Remember, the under construction WordPress theme should be used only when you have a new domain and you are creating your new website. It should not be used while working on some quick updates or maintenance.

Are you looking for a maintenance mode WordPress theme to put your WordPress website in the maintenance mode? If yes then you found the right page to get it done with just a few clicks.

First of all, let’s see why do we need to put our website in maintenance mode?
When we need to perform some changes and updates on our WordPress website we need to put it on maintenance mode. Rather than showing broken sites while maintenance, maintenance mode will permit you to showcase a user-friendly notice to your audiences.

Along with this maintenance mode also permit you to execute any maintenance-related task safely while taking care that the people looking to access your website are still able to access it easily.

While checking the demo of SKT Coming Soon, you will also find a page template for maintenance mode which will behave as a maintenance mode WordPress theme that allows you to create a page for maintenance mode easily so that it looks more helpful, pleasant, and user friendly.

Actually, without putting your WordPress website on maintenance mode you can edit your WordPress website. You can actually publish new content, do small modifications, update plugins and themes without any problem.

But sometimes, the process of maintenance takes much longer time especially when you are trying to set a new theme manually or working on a new plugin configuration which might change the complete website’s nature.

This is the time when your website might look broken to your audiences especially on a different platform.

If your website has plenty of users coming then your unstructured website will leave a bad impression as they might have a very bad user experience. so it is always better to keep your website in maintenance mode.

This countdown coming soon WordPress theme can be used for a very short period of time. This strategy will result as the best remedy for the problem of bad user experience. Setting up a maintenance mode page for your WordPress website will also permit you to display alternative links to visit, user-friendly notifications, and offer time frames.

SKT Coming Soon is a newly created template that not only allow you to set up a custom maintenance mode page but also allow you to setup coming soon page, holding page, etc with ease.

The SKT Coming Soon WordPress theme also can be used for varieties for purposes like if you are switching WordPress themes, making few cosmetic tweaks, testing plugins, and identifying the problems in your website, then you must use this template.

Choosing a maintenance mode coming soon WordPress theme means you are working on your website while it has been shut down. Considering this situation the maintenance mode can be used as a coming soon mode template that allows you to create a new appearance for your website in secret.

Some most outstanding features that need to look out for in SKT Coming Soon are countdown timer, social media links, and email newsletter service integration. Most importantly SKT Coming Soon is available free of cost so don’t worry about your budget.

Now let us see how SKT Coming Soon will benefit your business:
Before your website launch it will help you to raise brand awareness.
It will also increase your email list.
Fix bugs in private.
And to get a boost in SEO, it is a good idea to use the coming soon WordPress theme to implement the under construction or coming soon page.

You can install and activate the SKT Coming Soon directly through your WordPress dashboard.

Changes in version 1.5

Compatibility tested with WordPress 6.5 version
Footer credentials tweaked

Related coming soon WordPress theme: SKT Landing Page

Related free themes: WordPress free themes

Tags: coming soon page, under construction, holding page, maintenance mode, upcoming, arriving, getting ready, countdown, timer.

Also Included with Coming Soon WordPress theme

  • Theme Files

    Theme files are included in the zip you get when purchased

  • Sample Content

    1 click demo import to set up home page easily

  • Free Installation

    You will get free installation if you request us to install the Coming Soon WordPress theme on your server with demo content