Gutenberg Block Editor Addons
WordPress Gutenberg is, by itself, a robust content editor. However, if you want to increase its efficiency even more, then you would have to opt for some specific add-ons.
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With the proper plugins, you will be able to boost the efficiency of the editor even more and create exquisite layouts to improve your business even more. Gutenberg the End or a New Beginning for WordPress.
However, with so many Gutenberg block editor addons out there, it has become somewhat difficult for almost anyone to find out what they need. So, if you are new on this aspect and having a hard time finding the ideal option, then the following list can help you with it.
So, make sure to read on.
How to Create Custom Gutenberg Block with Taxonomy Posts in WordPress?
Creating a custom Gutenberg block with taxonomy posts in WordPress allows you to dynamically display posts filtered by specific taxonomies. Here’s a step-by-step guide:
1. Register the Custom Taxonomy
First, ensure you have a custom taxonomy registered. Use the register_taxonomy()
function in your theme’s functions.php
file or a custom plugin. Make sure to include 'show_in_rest' => true
for compatibility with the Gutenberg editor.
$args = array(
‘labels’ => array(
‘name’ => ‘Genres’,
‘singular_name’ => ‘Genre’,
‘public’ => true,
‘hierarchical’ => true,
‘show_in_rest’ => true, // Enables Gutenberg compatibility
register_taxonomy(‘genre’, array(‘post’), $args);
add_action(‘init’, ‘register_custom_taxonomy’);
2. Create a Plugin for the Gutenberg Block
Set up a plugin to house your custom block. Create a folder (e.g., custom-taxonomy-block
) in wp-content/plugins
. Inside, create two files: plugin.php
and block.js
This file registers the block and enqueues the JavaScript file.
* Plugin Name: Custom Taxonomy Block
function enqueue_block_assets() {
plugins_url(‘block.js’, __FILE__),
array(‘wp-blocks’, ‘wp-element’, ‘wp-editor’),
filemtime(plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . ‘block.js’)
add_action(‘enqueue_block_editor_assets’, ‘enqueue_block_assets’);
3. Define the Gutenberg Block
In the block.js
file, use JavaScript to define and register the block.
const { registerBlockType } = wp.blocks;
const { useSelect } =;
const { ServerSideRender } = wp.serverSideRender;
registerBlockType(‘custom/taxonomy-posts’, {
title: ‘Taxonomy Posts’,
icon: ‘list-view’,
category: ‘widgets’,
attributes: {
taxonomy: { type: ‘string’, default: ‘genre’ },
edit: () => {
return <ServerSideRender block=”custom/taxonomy-posts” />;
save: () => null,
4. Add Server-Side Rendering
Use PHP to fetch and display posts based on the selected taxonomy.
function render_taxonomy_posts_block($attributes) {
$taxonomy = isset($attributes[‘taxonomy’]) ? $attributes[‘taxonomy’] : ‘genre’;
$query = new WP_Query(array(
‘post_type’ => ‘post’,
‘tax_query’ => array(
‘taxonomy’ => $taxonomy,
‘field’ => ‘slug’,
‘terms’ => get_terms(array(‘taxonomy’ => $taxonomy, ‘fields’ => ‘slugs’)),
if ($query->have_posts()) {
$output = ‘<ul>’;
while ($query->have_posts()) {
$output .= ‘<li><a href=”‘ . get_permalink() . ‘”>’ . get_the_title() . ‘</a></li>’;
$output .= ‘</ul>’;
} else {
$output = ‘<p>No posts found.</p>’;
return $output;
add_action(‘init’, function () {
register_block_type(‘custom/taxonomy-posts’, array(
‘render_callback’ => ‘render_taxonomy_posts_block’,
5. Test Your Block
Activate your plugin and navigate to the Gutenberg editor. Add your custom block, and it will dynamically display posts filtered by the taxonomy you specified.This approach leverages WordPress’s REST API and Gutenberg’s flexibility to create dynamic content blocks tailored to your needs. By combining a custom Gutenberg block with taxonomy posts WordPress, you can enhance your site’s functionality significantly.
List of Gutenberg Blocks WordPress Plugin
1. SKT Blocks
From the list of Gutenberg block editor plugins, SKT Blocks is more popular. SKT Blocks is a beautiful and captivating Gutenberg Block Editor Addons that help you to easily create and arrange content on your website. This plugin is created by experienced developers to satisfy all your customer’s needs.
The theme is fully compatible with most WordPress themes. These blocks offer some of the extended levels of functionalities and personalization options to handle and customize it as per your requirements of fonts, width, and colors.
Some of the SKT blocks library like section, advanced columns, shape divider, icon list, video popups, multi buttons, call to action, advanced headings, and more.
2. WPForms
If you do proper research, then you will be able to find out a lot of high-end Gutenberg block editor addons in the market. However, when talking about user-friendliness, the first name that comes to the mind is WPForms.
With this addon, you can effortlessly build both the uncomplicated as well as the advanced contract forms, such as surveys, audience polls, and order forms. Moreover, the addon also provides a separate block for inserting WordPress forms on the website’s pages and posts.
If you want to, then you can also integrate the forms with other tools, such as marketing, emails, and different types of WordPress plugin. This way, it can make your job a lot easier and help you to complete it quickly.
3. Spectra – WordPress Gutenberg Blocks
The Gutenberg Block Editor comes with several new features, which can be somewhat overwhelming for the new users. It also comes with several other functions, which can get in your way of working. However, fortunately, you can remove all these components from your way with the help of The Gutenberg Manager.
Widely known as one of the most efficient Gutenberg block editor addons, it can also help you to fully disable the Block Editor. Hence, if you are thinking about recreating your blog in a whole new way, then opting for The Gutenberg Manager would be ideal for you.
4. WP Call Button
Proper communication between a website owner and his clients is very crucial for the growth of a business website or a blog. Hence, if you leave your details on the customized addons, then you might face a few problematic issues.
Due to this reason, you should try out something more particular and proficient in these cases, just like WP Call Button. As its name suggests, it can help you to create new buttons and blocks on your editor to make it look more apparent and professional.
Besides showing only your contact details, it can also help you to add a floating call button, which directly links to your phone number. Hence, if your client clicks on this option, then he or she will be able to talk with you on your phone.
5. Otter Blocks – Gutenberg Blocks, Page Builder for Gutenberg Editor & FSE
Unlike most other addons on this list, the Gutenberg Blocks Design Library is quite modular. It features a brand new block system, which provides users with a wide variety of customization. Besides, it also enables you to make changes and tweak your content by changing its layout and overall arrangement.
Furthermore, it also lets you pick several custom designs from its library and makes it easier for you to boost the appearance of your website’s blog section. Hence, with this plugin, you will be able to use unlimited choices and customize your posts to make them easier to find and read.
6. Envira Gallery
Unlike a few other Gutenberg block editor addons on this list, Envira Gallery is a specialized plugin, which suits perfectly with the Block Editor. It comes with a versatile gallery, which can make your website look a lot more colorful and vibrant on Gutenberg.
Besides specific themes and images, Envira Gallery also comes with several content safeguard functions, such as image proofing and watermark protection. Hence, if you want to sell some self-created photos, then this addon would perfect for you.
7. TinyMCE Advanced
Are you thinking about adding more colors on your website and making it look more vibrant in a simpler way? Then, all you have to do is to install TinyMCE Advanced and use it. TinyMCE has been in the market since the existence of the Classic Editor.
However, with the Gutenberg update, it has, too, improved quite much and comes with several new features. With this new version, you will get to use various formatting options, use several unique fonts, and implement new buttons for enhancing the user experience.
8. Essential Blocks – Page Builder Gutenberg Blocks, Patterns & Templates
Does your website contain a lot of blogs and articles on e-Commerce? Then, you would have to opt for a proper and specific plugin to work on it. In this case, the WooCommerce Blocks can be quite helpful for you.
With its special functions and versatile features, the WooCommerce Blocks enables you to present your company’s products in your own way. Besides, the blocks of the addon also make the selling items look a lot more commercial and attractive.
Unlike other Gutenberg block editor addons, you can also tweak several details, such as product descriptions, reviews, and pricing in a more organized way. Hence, as you can understand, the WooCommerce Blocks becomes a must-have for you if you are running an online store.
9. Qubely
Adding blocks can help you to make your website more user-friendly. However, with the customized Gutenberg block editor addons, you will not be able to add that many blocks on your website. So, in this case, you would have to use a plugin like Qubely.
Unlike the conventional plugins, Qubely comes with more than 24 custom and specialized blocks, which are quite different than the default ones. You can use these blocks to feature videos, maps, and photos on your website.
Hence, as you can already understand, with Qubely, you can make your blog look a lot more appealing and improve its functionality by a mile.
10. Gutenberg Blocks with AI by Kadence WP – Page Builder Features
With the addition of AI tools, Kadence Blocks improves Gutenberg’s editing capabilities by adding unique blocks and settings that let you create beautiful, high-performing webpages with ease. Every block is thoughtfully designed with performance, extensibility, and accessibility in mind. A lot of Gutenberg block editor addons are available, but not any other can match Gutenberg Blocks.
By adding capabilities to the WordPress block editor, this toolkit rivals conventional page builders in producing visually stunning and captivating content without the need for scripting. Enjoy features like intelligent keyword optimization, AI-powered text production, and adaptable design patterns with the integration of Kadence AI, which makes web design more user-friendly and effective than ever. Additionally, Kadence AI comes with an inline editor inside Kadence blocks, allowing you to use AI to modify your material at any time to adjust things like tone and length.
So, these are some of the best addons that can help with your needs and requirements. However, for more convenience, make sure to use at least two to three plugins to find out the one that is ideal for your cause.